Appello agli israeliani / Call to the Israeli people 🇮🇱

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This is a call to the Israeli people.
My name is Matteo Gracis, I am Italian and I am an independent journalist.
Years ago I visited your country, I went to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem: wonderful places that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. I remember with great admiration, arriving at the airport and seeing that wall with the pictures and information of Israel’s greatest thinkers, scientists, intellectuals and public personalities.
I am speaking to you as a friend, as a citizen of the world, as your brother.

What has been happening in Palestine for months is inhumane, and I want to continue to believe that many of you realise this, that you do not agree with your government’s actions and that you too want to stop this massacre.

I know your history very well, I am aware of your resentment towards the Palestinians and even more so Hamas (whose actions are deplorable and must be condemned). I understand. But at the same time, I know that you too are human beings, that you are kind and have feelings such as sympathy and empathy. This is why I am begging you to stop Netanyahu: only you can, and it wouldn’t just be an act of mercy towards another people, but also towards yourselves.

To the eyes of the world the Israelis are in fact complicit in the ongoing genocide in Gaza, which is why now more and more people hate you. Public opinion worldwide sees you as evil and heartless. The anger against you that you yourselves are generating may have long-lasting effects on you and entire generations to come. This is not fair, not for you or your children.

We have seen that recently many Israelis have started protesting, taking to the streets, demanding that your government resign. These are important signs that show that many of you support peace. I believe there are many more of you than one may think.

This is why you must make your voices heard and demand that your current prime minister, who is also the main culprit of the ongoing disaster, a true scourge for your country, step down as soon as possible and be tried for crimes against humanity.

I am calling on you to show the world your greatness.
Thank you very much for your attention. Peace.

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