Old Love (feat. Daniele Penna) + Lyrics

‘Neuronal Music Reprogramming Engine’ is an innovative psychological model that harnesses the power of sound vibrations, the synergy between specific musical instruments and inspiring and motivational lyrics, in order to create new unconscious and empowering patterns.

This calibrated formula creates a real "transformational engine" that helps to overcome fears, current insecurities and past traumas, directing the mind towards personal success. By repeatedly listening to this music, a real neuronal reprogramming is triggered, activating new synaptic connections that take root in the subconscious as an engine of change, gradually transforming individual reality.

We freely offer these resources, aspiring to an expansion of global consciousness and a collective evolutionary leap.


In the days gone by, love was built to last
Honesty and loyalty, the foundation of the past
Families stood together, through the thick and thin
Relationships were cherished, not just a passing whim

But now we live in a world of likes and validation
Where love is measured by money and superficial attraction
We’ve lost our way, forgotten what matters most
It’s time to learn from our ancestors, and reconnect with what we’ve lost

Social media’s grip, has made us lose our touch
We seek attention, but it’s never quite enough
Relationships are fleeting, based on convenience and lust
We’ve forgotten how to build, a love that we can trust

Our children suffer, from broken homes and hearts
Witnessing the pain, of relationships falling apart
They deserve a chance, to grow up safe and sound
In a family full of love, where true values can be found

Let’s take a step back, and remember what is real
The love and dedication, that our ancestors did feel
It’s time to be alone, or build a love that’s true
Based on respect and honor, a love that sees us through

We can change the world, one relationship at a time
By holding onto values, that are truly sublime
Let’s create families, that are strong and full of light
And show our children, what it means to love right

In a world of chaos, where love seems hard to find
We must look within ourselves, and keep values in mind
It’s not about perfection, but the effort that we make
To build a love that’s genuine, a bond we won’t forsake

The road ahead is challenging, but we must persevere
To create a love that’s lasting, and conquer every fear
We owe it to ourselves, and to the generations yet to come
To build a world where love is real, and families are one

In a world that’s lost its way, we can be the change
By loving with integrity, and breaking free from chains
Let’s honor our ancestors, and the wisdom they impart
And build a future full of love, that comes straight from the heart
It’s never too late, to start anew and strong
To create a love that lasts, and prove the world wrong
So let’s stand tall and proud, and show what we can do
When we love with all our heart, and let our values shine through
‘Neuronal Music Reprogramming Engine’ è un innovativo modello psicologico che sfrutta il potere delle vibrazioni sonore, la sinergia tra strumenti musicali specifici e testi ispiranti e motivazionali, al fine di creare nuovi schemi inconsci e potenzianti.

Questa formula calibrata crea un vero e proprio "motore trasformazionale" che aiuta a superare paure, insicurezze attuali e traumi del passato, indirizzando la mente verso il successo personale. Ascoltando ripetutamente questa musica, viene innescata una vera e propria riprogrammazione neuronale, attivando nuove connessioni sinaptiche che si radicano nel subconscio come un motore di cambiamento, trasformando gradualmente la realtà individuale.

Offriamo liberamente queste risorse, aspirando a un’espansione della coscienza globale ed un salto evolutivo collettivo.

🎧Listen on Spotify – https://ln.run/ta1Q3
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📸 Instagram BUSINESS – https://www.instagram.com/danielepennabusiness/
💻X: https://x.com/daniele_penna

#neuronalmusicreprogrammingengine #danielepennamusic #success