Rise Up and Shine (feat. Daniele Penna) + Lyrics

‘Neuronal Music Reprogramming Engine’ is an innovative psychological model that harnesses the power of sound vibrations, the synergy between specific musical instruments and inspiring and motivational lyrics, in order to create new unconscious and empowering patterns.

This calibrated formula creates a real "transformational engine" that helps to overcome fears, current insecurities and past traumas, directing the mind towards personal success. By repeatedly listening to this music, a real neuronal reprogramming is triggered, activating new synaptic connections that take root in the subconscious as an engine of change, gradually transforming individual reality.

We freely offer these resources, aspiring to an expansion of global consciousness and a collective evolutionary leap.


Life’s a journey, full of twists and turns
Sometimes we stumble, sometimes we burn
But in the darkest hour, there’s a light that shines
A voice that whispers, "You’ll be fine"

Rise up, rise up, no matter where you’re from
Your past is not your future, your race is not your sum
Believe in your power, to change your destiny
The strength lies within you, to set your spirit free

The beliefs that hold you, the thoughts that chain
Are just illusions, in your brain
You have the power, to learn and grow
To break the cycle, and let your true self show

When you’re neck-deep in trouble, and all seems lost
Remember, it’s the darkest, just before the dawn
You’ve got the chance, to turn it all around
To shake off the dirt, and stand your ground

Look at those who’ve risen, from worse than where you are
They believed in themselves, and aimed for the stars
Now it’s your turn, to make a change
To rewrite your story, and break out of your cage

Rise up, rise up, no matter where you’re from
Your past is not your future, your race is not your sum
Believe in your power, to change your destiny
The strength lies within you, to set your spirit free

No matter your religion, no matter your age
You have the strength to turn a new page
Your social status doesn’t define who you are
Your determination will take you far

The world may try to bring you down
But you’ve got the power to turn it all around
Embrace the challenges, face your fears
And watch as your dreams come true, year after year

So take that step, and start anew
The world is waiting, for the real you
Embrace the challenge, and let your light shine through
You’re gonna make it, you’re gonna break through
Remember, your life is in your hands
You have the power, to make a stand
So rise up, rise up, and claim your victory
Your journey starts now, let your spirit run free!
No matter how hard it gets, don’t give in
Keep pushing forward, through thick and thin
You’ve got the strength, the power within
To create a life that’s worth living
So rise up, rise up, and seize the day
Let your courage lead the way
Believe in yourself, and you’ll go far
You’re a shining star, no matter where you are!
‘Neuronal Music Reprogramming Engine’ è un innovativo modello psicologico che sfrutta il potere delle vibrazioni sonore, la sinergia tra strumenti musicali specifici e testi ispiranti e motivazionali, al fine di creare nuovi schemi inconsci e potenzianti.

Questa formula calibrata crea un vero e proprio "motore trasformazionale" che aiuta a superare paure, insicurezze attuali e traumi del passato, indirizzando la mente verso il successo personale. Ascoltando ripetutamente questa musica, viene innescata una vera e propria riprogrammazione neuronale, attivando nuove connessioni sinaptiche che si radicano nel subconscio come un motore di cambiamento, trasformando gradualmente la realtà individuale.

Offriamo liberamente queste risorse, aspirando a un’espansione della coscienza globale ed un salto evolutivo collettivo.

🎧Listen on Spotify – https://ln.run/ta1Q3
👥 Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/DanielePennaFanPage
📸 Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/danielepenna/
📸 Instagram BUSINESS – https://www.instagram.com/danielepennabusiness/
💻X: https://x.com/daniele_penna

#neuronalmusicreprogrammingengine #danielepennamusic #success