The Creator (feat. Daniele Penna) + Lyrics

‘Neuronal Music Reprogramming Engine’ is an innovative psychological model that harnesses the power of sound vibrations, the synergy between specific musical instruments and inspiring and motivational lyrics, in order to create new unconscious and empowering patterns.

This calibrated formula creates a real "transformational engine" that helps to overcome fears, current insecurities and past traumas, directing the mind towards personal success. By repeatedly listening to this music, a real neuronal reprogramming is triggered, activating new synaptic connections that take root in the subconscious as an engine of change, gradually transforming individual reality.

We freely offer these resources, aspiring to an expansion of global consciousness and a collective evolutionary leap.


I’ve lived through ages, in each life and story,
Growing and learning, with memory and glory.
A spark that burns, eternal and pure,
Guiding your steps, through fears to endure.
I whisper softly, don’t shout commands,
With dreams and intuition, I offer my hands.
The end’s not feared, it’s a new beginning,
Learning and growing, without any sinning.

I am your Soul, the true Creator,
The Ego is King, but I am greater.
Traumas and fears, gifts in disguise,
Growth opportunities, the Ego denies.
Lessons and experiences, I will send,
To remind you of your purpose, my friend.
He may shout, he may command,
But I’m the whisper, guiding your hand.

Old memories rise, from lives gone past,
In dreams they appear, truths that last.
The chills you feel, when Ego sleeps,
I am there, guiding deep.
Ego flees pain, from past it hides,
But there lies destiny, where truth abides.
Learn and return, where you must go,
To evolve and grow, and truly know.

Dear human, it’s your choice, each moment’s chance,
Dance puppet! or follow, the heart’s true dance.
Ego pulls strings, thinks it directs,
But you’re the artist, in all respects.
Hear my whisper, follow heart’s way,
Embrace traumas, let love stay.
Ego is noise, mind in distress,
I am the silence, where peace rests.

I am your Soul, the true Creator,
The Ego is King, but I am greater.
Traumas and fears, gifts in disguise,
Growth opportunities, the Ego denies.
Lessons and experiences, I will send,
To remind you of your purpose, my friend.
He may shout, he may command,
But I’m the whisper, guiding your hand.

So listen, dear human, to your Soul’s voice,
A gentle whisper, guiding your choice.
Ego’s an actor, in life’s play,
I am the director, showing the way.
Connect to your essence, divine and bright,
Embrace your traumas, heal with light.
Transform pain, into wisdom and love,
Fulfill your life, guided from above.

‘Neuronal Music Reprogramming Engine’ è un innovativo modello psicologico che sfrutta il potere delle vibrazioni sonore, la sinergia tra strumenti musicali specifici e testi ispiranti e motivazionali, al fine di creare nuovi schemi inconsci e potenzianti.

Questa formula calibrata crea un vero e proprio "motore trasformazionale" che aiuta a superare paure, insicurezze attuali e traumi del passato, indirizzando la mente verso il successo personale. Ascoltando ripetutamente questa musica, viene innescata una vera e propria riprogrammazione neuronale, attivando nuove connessioni sinaptiche che si radicano nel subconscio come un motore di cambiamento, trasformando gradualmente la realtà individuale.

Offriamo liberamente queste risorse, aspirando a un’espansione della coscienza globale ed un salto evolutivo collettivo.

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#neuronalmusicreprogrammingengine #danielepennamusic #success